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Picture from the WEB |
'Collective effervescence" is one of eight portals to awe spelled out in Dacher Keltner's book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life, published in January 2023. The book reports 15 years of research in 26 countries and populations as diverse as doctors, combat veterans, athletes, prisoners, writers, environmentalists, poets, and Indigenous scholars. Collective effervescence includes a deep sense of belonging to humanity, the shared sense of being interconnected and a sense of unity transcending self. This sense of "we" rather than "I" or "them" can happen from sharing music and/or movement with others or during rituals and ceremonies like weddings, graduations, sports celebrations, funerals, and family reunions. Walking with others in nature and pilgrimages are other catalysts for collective effervescence.
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1994 Cabin |
My life has included a fair amount of collective effervescence. Memorable ones happened within this cabin located near Florence, Wisconsin. The main structure is made of logs and built in the late 19th century. The porch is a later addition. The cabin is surrounded by pine trees. Seidel Lake borders the property and is an easy walk from the cabin.
Kay's family has owned the cabin and surrounding property for many years. Kay and her husband Don, both long time friends, lived in the cabin for 20 years, after they took early retirement in 1995. They moved from Milwaukee and remodeled the cabin. A complete new bathroom was one addition. The outdoor privy used for years now was only a perch for the whippoorwill's evening callings. Eventually the privy was removed. The call of the whippoorwill still could be heard but more in the distance and not as loud.
In 2015 Kay and Don moved to Kingsford, Michigan. An era ended. Don died on December 5, 2020. I often think of him as I wear his wide brim hat during summer days.
For many years friends, sometimes up to a dozen, gathered at the cabin. My first visit was in the late 1960s. During those days, opening day of trout season on the Brule River, across the road from the cabin, was always a special event.
Jenny, part of this group, wrote the following poem in 1991 for her Freshman high school English class, capturing the collective effervescence of one evening.
Banjo and a Ukulele
The meal is done
And everyone has finished eating.
We move to the porch,
Just to talk for a while.
The conversation revolves around
Movies and politics.
We settle down and get comfortable,
A man that was sitting quietly in the
Now picks up a banjo.
He then offers a ukulele to
A girl sitting on the floor.
She eagerly accepts,
And he teaches her how to play four chords.
Then they start to play.
One by one the people in the room
Stop talking and listen.
On the banjo he picks out a lively tune.
Then, as if in a choir,
The people in the room carry the tune
With their voices.
To the trained ear the chorus was off key
and dull,
But to friends it was a silver melody
That floated through the Northern night.
Jokes were told, and magic tricks
And all the while the two of them sat
In the corner and played.
Every few minutes he taught his student
something new.
They played their tunes,
And strummed their instruments,
And their fingers never grew sore.
They played that banjo and ukulele for
They played well into the night.
Now in 2023, I still experience collective effervescence. It was in the air during the May 6th and May 20th Prospect Gardens work sessions.
Here's Gregory's selfie of the May 6th team. He is the one with the stocking cap. To his left is Joyce and to his right is Nick. I'm in the back holding the cookie and Ann, my wife, is at my side. Laura, another volunteered arrived shortly after the picture was snapped. We are enjoying a break from weeding. Thank you all for your generosity and adding to my feeling of effervescence.
By May 20th the weeds were abundant, a testimony to their tenacity and spring turning into summer. Twelve kind hearted individuals joined Ann and I on a day made for gardening; blue skies, sunshine, and mild temperatures. Thank you to all of you.
Others not pictured, besides Ann and me, are Sandy P., Connie and her daughter Olivia, Laura, Jim, Ann N. and Alice. A special thank you to Jim for the 16 strawberry plants, replacing the original patch that disappeared several years ago. I also appreciate you joining us while being from a nearby neighborhood.
Caring for Prospect Gardens provides opportunities for socializing and making new connections while catching up with what's happening in the lives of regular volunteers. Welcome back Ann N. That bleeding heart you donated several years ago is thriving. Thanks for offering columbines which we will transplant in the fall.
Here's Tilly (on the left) and Olivia on a well earned break. These two five year-olds and their mothers removed catchweed bedstraw. The four worked as a team. Alexis and Connie pulled out handfuls of the sticky bedstraw and handed it to Tilly and Olivia. They in turn put the weeds into the wheelbarrow.
Tilly asked a lot of questions about plants. I showed her how jewel weed's liquid helps reduces the itch on skin once exposed to stinging nettles.
Stinging nettles don't deserve the bad rap suggested by their name. A few years ago I learned from a young man collecting stinging nettles at Prospect Gardens, that the immature plants are excellent in salads and that mature leaves make a flavorful but strong tea. He also puts them in lasagna.
Thank you Tilly and Olivia for being with us. Your presence added so much to our collective effervescence. You and your moms are welcomed back anytime.
Frosya is a graduating West High senior and will be attending Princeton. Well done.
When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don’t stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven’t hoed,
And shout from where I am, What is it?
No, not as there is a time to talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.
Prospect Gardens over the years has provided many opportunities "for a friendly visit." There is always time to talk during Prospect Garden work sessions. Come join us if you live in Madison. You too may experience collective effervescence while having a friendly visit.
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Susan Herndon Photo |
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