Prairie Smoke, a low ground hugging plant, is one of the first to show its soft blossoms. I planted about six of these at least two years ago and now can find only two. One never knows which plants will survive the winter and be with us once again for a brief show.
On the other hand, you can bet that the hardy forsythia will survive most any winter. This one has the honor of being the first plant in the Gardens, showing its flashy yellow for the seventh year. It's blooms are beyond peek and already dropping leaving a soft yellow carpet.
I have no idea the name of this plant. I received it from a neighbor last year and forgot to ask for its name. Another ground hugging plant with small blue flowers and one that I think will spread.
Virginia Bluebells are at their peak. You can find these all along the Southwest Commuter Path. I transplanted these from an area east of the Gardens two years ago.
One of the three cherry trees in the garden and in its third year. We will have some cherries this year; not too many given the limited number of cherry blossoms.
The Redbud tree (more like a shrub) has bloomed for the first time. Received the then scrawny tree about four years ago from Steve, a neighbor. Steve's advice was to plant the little tree and see what happens. Here we are on May Day 2016 enjoying the splendor of the Redbud.
Hi Jake - It's ironic that the plant you don't know is - I believe - Forget-Me-Not !!!