Prospect Gardens Summer Time

Prospect Gardens Summer Time
Summer Scene

Friday, December 4, 2015

Sunny Day and Green in the Gardens

On this spectacular day of sunshine and with a temp approaching 50 degrees, I went on a long walk that included a stroll through the Prospect Gardens.  I went walking after buying our Holiday Tree, the subject of my last entry. These five pictures are a testimony to the mild weather while revealing how all the snow, the topic of my last blog entry, is gone. 

I noticed all the green in the Gardens and reacted with mixed feelings. I enjoyed the warm sun and the shadows cast by the winter sun, low in the sky.  On the other hand, the gardener in me noted the lack of a protective snow cover and how some plants were still growing. Dormancy just was not for them; at least not yet.

These lush and green strawberry plants may be fooled that spring time is already here. They will surely be surprised when winter returns, as it certainly will.
Likewise, these sedges are still tinged with green instead of being a dull brown.  They too have escaped the mild frosts, at least for the time being. 

Notice the green foliage, most likely weeds, in this picture of the raspberry patch.  Weather, like today, promotes growth of weeds. Maybe if this weather continues, I could do some weeding and that would certainly set a record for early gardening.

Notice the terracing up the hillside.  About two years ago, Dave, a neighbor, and I did the terracing with stone donated by another neighbor.  This prevents erosion while providing steps for easier access to the berries higher up the slope.

In the top portion of the picture is the orange snow fence put up a few weeks ago. The aim is to prevent the city plowers from pushing the snow into the Gardens and it worked last year.    

A few brown leaves still cling to the cherry tree. The tree is two years old and is part of a memorial section for Peg, one of the first gardeners. In the right lower corner of the picture are the green remains of Coreopsis. These sprung up from last season's seeds and late in the 2015 growing season.  I was surprised when they showed up.

Certainly, all of these scenes will change in the upcoming weeks as we move through December. I am indeed waiting for a white cover and a white Christmas.  I do love sunny days and yet... hey.. this is Wisconsin and snow is important in the cycle of life.


1 comment:

  1. Fun to run into you today and to read here about your haunts. Dave and I were wondering about the orange fence, and after we parted ways said, "Oh, we should have asked Jake about the fence!"
