Prospect Gardens Summer Time

Prospect Gardens Summer Time
Summer Scene

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fall Scenes and Learning

Autumnal splendor continues at the Prospect Gardens. Here are a few scenes as we proceed through October.

The Japanese Sumac has just about replaced summer green with a reddish golden color that soon will turn to yellow.  We planted this one nearly six years ago. Perhaps it's time for a pruning.

 Several Asters have already lost their color and gone to seed but not this one.  The pinkish/purple blooms will also soon turn brown. In the meantime, I enjoy its warm welcome and especially on a cloudy day like today.

 The Saw Tooth Daisies are at their prime. Bright yellow blooms greeted me on this quiet morning as I returned from the gym. My weekly routine, during the late fall and all winter, includes at least three days (sometimes more) at the Shell which is part of the Camp Randall complex.  A ten minute walk from home.   I look forward to those winter walks when the gardens and the path are covered with fresh snow.

A few raspberries from the autumn crop are still available.  With each passing day, the number decreases.  This year, I will wait until spring to prune and cut the plants back.  We usually prune in November.  On Sunday after a church (First Unitarian Society), I happened to talk with the former Director of the Olbrich Gardens  and I mention the upcoming task of pruning the raspberries.  She informed me that spring pruning is much better since sometimes November can have warm temperatures that result in the plants sending out shoots. So I learned something new, as is usually the case in gardening.

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